Angela Ricci — Artist

Realization of works of art on commission.

Paintings, portraits, artifacts, accessories, gadgets, favors

Discover the collection

L’Angelo Custode

by Angela Ricci

Courmayeur, Italy
bicchiere di vino acrilico su tela

#vinoveritas – Acrylic on canvas – 40 × 40

Painting exhibited at the Aosta fair

Timbro L'Angelo Custode
acrilico su tela - la volpe

La Volpe – Acrylic on canvas – 40 × 40

Painting exhibited at the Aosta fair


Discover my creations


Oils, Paintings, Accessories, Necklaces …

Wedding favors
Main Categories
Acrylic paint on wood
Acrylic paint on canvas
Fabric painting
Chiaroscuro pencil technique
Angela Ricci colori
Angela Ricci
L’Angelo Custode

Angela Ricci

The most fatal illusion is the stable point of view. Since life is growth and movement, a fixed point of view kills anyone with one …

Come and meet me